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This post is all about how I used the power of a vision board to manifest my dream apartment. Now let me tell you a secret. Everyone dreams about something. Some bigger, some smaller. And I’m not talking about good night dreams. I am talking about these wild dreams in our heads that we secretly aspire so much but are too scared to actually chase them. Dreams that sometimes seem so unattainable that we wouldn’t even tell our best friend about because of the fear of them making fun of us. Know that feeling? Good! 😊 Because that means you’re dreaming big, and that’s the perfect starting point for your own perfect vision board! I myself have a little (or maybe not so little) success story of my own that I’d love to share with you. Bare with me!

Get ready to learn, why vision boards are so powerful, how to create your own vision board, and what happens after you create your vision board.


The power of a Vision Board


First of all, I would like to introduce you to your single most important Mantra for anything you do going forward regarding your future – DREAM BIG!

Two very small words with a big meaning.

Because I need you to trust me on this: Whatever it may be that you dream about and want to attract into your life, rest assured, it is not only possible to realize that dream, your vision may even already be on its way to you and only a short time away.

Everything happening in your thoughts and in your mind, that you would like to see happening in your life can – without a doubt – be materialized into your life. A wonderful and helpful tool that you can use for yourself and your visions is a so-called Vision Board.


Tip #1 – What is a Vision Board and how can it help me achieve my dreams?


A vision board is a tool that can help you set your subconscious mind up for success through the power of visualization.

You can think of it as the connection point between your thoughts, dreams and desires and the materialization of these into the real world.

You are figuratively putting your thoughts on paper.

Here’s an example. A dream of yours might be something along the lines of living in a beautiful house of your own, with a huge garden and plenty of flowers.

In your head, you can see yourself sitting on the porch with a fresh homemade lemonade and herbs from your own garden.

The sun is shining and you are reading your favorite book whilst having your cat on your lab.

Or maybe you can’t stop thinking about a time in your life, when you are finally financially independent and free.

Perhaps the love of your life hasn’t shown up yet and all you need for a fulfilled life is a loving partner.

Whatever it may be that you want to attract into your life, trust that it is definitely possible.

Anything you set your mind to is possible to achieve.

As Earl Nightingale puts it:

„You become, what you think about“

Earl Nightingale


This is happening in your brain

You may be wondering how exactly a vision board can help you with realizing these dreams of yours.

And that, my friend, is where the power of visualization enters the stage.

When you focus just a couple of minutes per day on visualizing your dreams and imagining that you have already achieved them, a certain conflict arises in your subconscious mind between what you imagine and what you currently already have in your life.

As a result, your subconscious mind works to set aside this conflict by transferring what you already have into what you want.

Your subconscious mind becomes programmed to find solutions to draw this new reality into your life.

Your brain becomes attuned to bringing anything to your attention that can help you achieve your desires.

In addition, this process has a motivating effect and you will always find yourself in new situations where all of a sudden, you step out of your comfort zone and take another step towards realizing your dreams.

If you have a clear pictures of what your dream life looks like, there is this incredibly useful tool named Vision Board, that can skyrocket your progress significantly.

It’s time to put these pictures on paper. Either in the form of a collage, a book or any other creative way.

There are no limits to your creativity here, as you will learn in the next section.


How you create your own Vision Board

Before we get into the aesthetics of your Vision Board, you need to get clarity on two very important things.


Tip #2 – The foundation of your Vision Board


Time to get your creative juices flowing!

Vision boards do not necessarily have to be created on a cork wall.

You can also use a large wooden board to hang over your bed.

Or you can buy a nice blank book in which you stick your photos.

You prefer the online world? Then of course you can create a vision board via Canva or Pinterest.

Here are a few more examples:


Tip #3 – Where to place your Vision Board

Where to place your vision board is a super important, often underestimated aspect.

As mentioned in the beginning, our dreams can scare us because they seem “too big” or unattainable.

We don’t even dare to say them out loud, let alone tell our family or friends about them.

So if you decide to put your vision board in a place that is visible to visitors, for example in the living room or kitchen, you may subconsciously decide to put images on your vision board that are not really 100% what you want due to the feared reaction of others it might cause.

If this is no problem for you and you are proud to show off your dreams and desires to the world, then off you go and do exactly that! 🤗

If however, you do resonate with the above and you tend to be rather insecure and sensitive to what other people might say about this, I would highly recommend to put your Vision Board somewhere more private.

I am definitely the latter and I tend to react very sensitive to any comments about my private stuff.

Which is why I created my Vision Board in a cute little blank notebook.

I absolutely adore this book, it is my little bible in which I have a look at every single day and get excited about all the feels coming up when looking at it.

My entire inner world is in there, from small dreams to the really BIG ONES!

As nobody ever saw it and will see it, I dare to put EVERYTHING in it. Really, every single dream, may it be so big it scares eeeverything out of me. 😍


Tip #4 – How to create your Vision Board


Now that you have these two points cleared up for you, let’s get this party started!

As I mentioned before, Pinterest and Canva are great inspirational sources for photos and for creating digital vision boards.

Of course, you can also use other photo sources, such as Pixabay.

Some tips for the photo selection

  • Remember our new Mantra? Choose your images according to it – DREAM BIG! No dream is too big – on the contrary, the more your dream “scares” you, the better! Because that means your dream is not too small and therefore just right for you.
  • Pick images that appeal to you visually and reflect your dreams perfectly.

  • Consider adding some inspirational and motivational quotes or positive affirmations to your vision board as well (again: PINTEREST!!)

  • Create your own Pinterest board and save your favorite pins. You can set your board to “private” so that really only you can view this board. This also allows you to save a few more photos and pre-select them before deciding on the final photos for your vision board.

  • Print your photos at home with a printer, or, if you want something a little more high-end, at a drug store.

  • Purchase all the supplies you will need to create your vision board.
    This might include the following:
  • Scotch tape
  • Scissors
  • Wooden staples
  • Nails for hanging the board
  • Picture frame
  • Pins
  • Cork wall
  • Diary / notebook

Block out few hours in your diary and put your phone aside.

Make yourself really comfortable at home, prepare your favorite tea, turn on your favorite playlist and allow yourself to be creative for a few hours.

Create the most beautiful vision board and be happy that you are actively working to make your dreams come true.


Tip #5 – Okay, so now what, Noni?


First of all – CONGRATS!!! 😍🥳

You successfully created your first vision board!

You should be proud of yourself.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Wherever your vision board has found its place now, be sure that just creating the board has already had a very big impact on the realization of your dreams.

By putting your dreams on paper, you sent a signal the universe saying “I AM READY TO RECEIVE”!

Now take a few minutes each day, look at your vision board and visualize your goals and dreams as if you had already achieved them.

FEEL IT! Feel all the feels when it gets to achieving your dreams. Let the joy and happiness spread throughout your body and mind.

Rejoice as if all of this were already in your life and charge your visualizations with positive emotions.


And most importantly – TRUST. Trust, that it will happen. This way or maybe EVEN better. Believe it and there is no way it won’t happen.


My own little success story

Trying to keep this short and to the point as I don’t want to bore you with the deets.

Now get ready to a little AHA moment and bare with me!

I created my first vision board in January 2021. It was the time when I finally started taking care of myself and finding that calm in my life that I was so desperately longing for.

I had a beautiful wooden board, which I put over my bed. I had all the photos and quotes on there, that would inspire me at that point in time.

One of my big dreams was to find my dream apartment in the city I lived in AND, most importantly, live right next to my sister’s apartment (we are talking a maximum of 5 minutes apart by foot). Of course, EVERYBODY laughed at us, as it seemed impossible to ever reach that goal.

We are super close and both of us were on apartment hunt, having the same goal in mind.

Fast forward 2 months in to our search, my sister actually got invited to an apartment viewing in the very city centre.

It was in fact, no joke, her absolute dream apartment with the perfect location and prizing. 24 hours later, she got the call that she was chosen for the apartment.

Fast forward 2 months again, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was an apartment ad for a beautiful flat in the exact same street my sister moved in a month ago. And that street is probably one of the shortest streets in that city.

I sent my application, got an invite 12 hours later, went to the apartment viewing with my sister and got accepted for the flat another 10 hours later. NO JOKE. It was exactly like that.

It took exactly 2 minutes from door to door. We could even wave each other good night every night.

Our dream came true only a few month after signaling the universe our desire.


„Create a vision of who you want to be, and then live into that picture as if it were already true.“

Arnold schwarzenegger