This morning routine checklist is for all the cranky morning people out there!

Good morning, loves 🤗 I am feeling pretty pumped this morning, as I am writing the ultimate “doer” morning routine checklist for all the cranky morning peeps among us. And YES, I am part of that club as well. Or actually, I WAS part of it. 

A few small but doable changes in my approach and tada, I finally can put in my own two cents in this oh-so-popular topic called morning routines. 

In this post, you will get some practical tips for your mornings (don’t worry, I won’t bore you with the classics like hot lemon water, yoga or meditation), if you are finally ready to get serious about your goals and with that, about your morning routine.  🌞

Does that sound familiar to you?

Your bed feels the coziest in the early morning hours, which is also when your sleep is the absolute tightest and best.

NO way you get out of that beautiful magic square even one minute before you really have to. 

Feel ya! But let me tell you – if you are to get serious about certain goals and dreams in your life, the mornings before your actual 9-5 job will be your best friends.

They are of incredibly high value as of right now.

Which is why with these 4 tips of my ultimate morning routine checklist, we will successfully turn you into a happy morning person, chasing your wildest dreams.



Now of course, this doesn’t happen overnight.

It is a process that we are allowed to integrate as a new habit into our everyday life.

And new habits take time. But that should NOT discourage you at all.

Creating a morning routine is purely a mindset game.

Creating a morning routine is purely a mindset game.

In the beginning, your mind will strictly resist getting up at 06:00 in the morning, when you could also just stay in bed and dream on for two more hours.

Our brain isn’t a big fan of change and it will always try to keep us away from it as good as possible. Leaving the comfort zone could be a dangerous adventure! 😉

Our brain will therefore create limiting thoughts with the intention to keep you in bed. 

Now, that’s actually a pretty good sign.

Because then you know you’re about to do something new, an approach to chase that dream of yours for the better.

So embrace these feelings when they come up (and they will). Turn them into positive thoughts instead.

In order for that to happen and turning your thoughts into something productive, you need to get clear on your purpose.

No time to read? Pin it for later!

What’s your why?

This is where your willpower enters the stage.

Get very clear on WHY you want to build that morning routine. Which goal do you have in mind, that will make the routine ooooh so worth it?

It could be reasons like the following:

  • You want to start living a healthier life and use the time for a healthy breakfast meal.

  • You want to escape your 9-5 job and start a side hustle, eventually even your own business. Your morning hours can be used perfectly to work on that.

  • You are too exhausted  in the evenings and get home quite late everyday – a sporty activity is no longer possible. The couch is your only target. You instead want to use the morning hours for a short exercise session.

  • You are simply tired of getting up just before time every day and rushing to work overtired and stressed out.

Once you’ve figured out your WHY, write it down clearly on a piece of paper.

Gentle Reminder

A change process never feels good!

You will have doubts and prefer to just fall back into your old patterns.

This is normal!

Be aware of this and lovingly steer your thoughts against it. And don’t be too hard on yourself.

If it only works one day a week in the beginning, that’s already great and a reason to be proud of you 🙂 .

Just try to stay as consistent as possible without torturing yourself too much.

The wonderful benefits of a morning routine

Now you might ask yourself the question, why on earth you would torture yourself out of bed in the morning for your set goals. You might as well take care of these  in the evening, right?

Weeeell, because the side effects of a morning routine are too good to be missed! Trust me on this one!


…a calm and relaxed morning, with no stress and hurry

…a feeling of satisfaction, because you have already done something for yourself before work, when the whole world needs your attention again

…a feeling of pride because you finally manage to live up to your fullest potential

…a feeling of lightness – because no matter what the day brings, no one can take the beautiful morning away from you.

…more energy throughout the day

…a fast and visible progress in your goals thanks to the following tips!

Your fast-track lane to a successful morning routine

As a night owl, we want to approach our new routine as simply as possible.

First of all, it’s super important that we do not overdo it with our mornings in the beginning, as it might backfire big time.

When should I get up?

Well, let’s get started with the obvious. When does a successful morning routine start?

Morning Routine Tip #1 – Start slow

You want to start into your new habit slowly and with ease. So everyday, set your alarm just a few minutes before you would normally get out of bed.

If you usually get up at 8am, set your alarm to 7.45am in the first three days. 

This is a tiny change that won’t hurt you and is doable.

If you feel ready on day 4, set your alarm to 7.30am. And. so. on.

After a couple of days trying this approach, you will know the perfect time for you to get up and get everything done on your list.

Fair enough, but what am I supposed to do with my new time?

Valid question and one you definitely HAVE to get an answer to.

Some people might be annoyed with all the morning routine talk. And I get it.

I fell for that for quite a long time. Drink your hot lemon water, do some yoga, meditate and you will change your life.

But that big change did not happen for me.

Yes, I felt better and I did like my mornings that way, however I was nowhere close to getting to where I wanted to be. 

That actually happened, when I added a few invaluable tips to my routine.

Because eventually what is most important is the result and the reward for getting up so early.

And this is where it get’s maaagic 😏

Morning Routine Tip #2 – Best of 3

Let’s get a little wild here. Maybe you heard it before, but a successful morning routine actually starts? Yeeees, the evening before! 🌙

For you to have an effective morning with results, you will have to plan your to-do’s the evenings before.

You don’t want to start to think about that when you get up.

Ask yourself this question: 

What do you want to have achieved the next morning, before you commute to work?

Note down THREE goals on a piece of paper or your journal. Make sure to define realistic and specific goals.


  • Write and send E-Mail to my boss with presentation (15 minutes)
  • 30 minutes of Yoga
  • Signing up for course on How to build a website (20 Minutes)

This method will give you clarity and make it a whole lot easier for you to actually get up in the morning. You know exactly what to tackle.

Important: Do not forget to write down the estimated time you plan for each task – this will help you stay structured and productive.

Morning Routine Tip #3 – Mel Robbins’ – The 5 second rule

So, jetzt sind wir in deiner tatsächlichen MORGEN-Routine gelandet.

Now we are actually talking morning routine.

This is where I would love to introduce a super simple but oh so genius approach by the one and only Mel Robbins. It is called the 5 Second Rule.

And with simple, I mean super simple. Count down from 5 and get it DONE. It’s easy as that – 5,4,3,2,1 – GO!

(No, you don’t count in “5-Mississippi, 4-Mississippi,…” 😁)

Whether you’re afraid to send an email to a large mailing list, you’re too lethargic to tackle tasks that have been put off for a while, or you just can’t and won’t get up in the morning in bed – do this exercise and when you get to 1 – JUST DO IT!

Don’t think about it and just get up. 😊Sounds easy – and surprisingly it is once you give it a try.

Tipp #4 – Make your bed in the morning

This tip comes right after tip #3.

Just like brushing your teeth, make it a habit to make your bed in the morning right after you get up.

Open the windows in your bedroom and shake it out.

Make up your bed beautifully so you can snuggle up in your wonderfully cozy bed in the evening, already looking forward to your next morning! 😉

It’s also so simple, but so worth it at the same time. It’s the first thing on your to-do list that you’ve accomplished. It will get you motivated to continue. 


In this post, you’ve been given a morning routine checklist with 4 valuable tips on how to establish a simple and productive morning routine. This will be especially helpful if in the past you struggled with getting up in the morning.

This checklist will support you in taking small but results-driven steps towards your dreams and goals.

I urge you to give this method a try for at least 30 days. If you happen to break the pattern, just start over again for 30 days.

Be mindful of how your mindset and well-being actually changes.

You might even want to jot down some notes on your habit transformation. It’s great to see how it changes over time and to review these notes at a later point in time.

Well, that’s it for today! 

I am rooooting for ya 🔥and I KNOW that you are capable of achieving anything you ever dreamed of! Start with your morning routine. I will make a difference. Trust me.

I would love to hear from you! Let me know, if this was valuable for you and let me know, what thrives you to get up in the morning!

5,4,3,2,1 – Let’s go!

“Today I shall judge nothing that occurs”

The seven spiritual laws of success | deepak chopra


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