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This post is all about how to declutter your mind when feeling overwhelmed, stressed and insecure and actually get clear on your goals. I am so excited for this topic, as it has been one of my major challenges I was facing in the last couple of years and that I have finally been able to properly deal with. Now, I love a good decluttering session. There is barely anything that makes me so happy and relieved as making sure old and unnecessary stuff gets out of sight and out of mind. So let’s dive in and learn as to why it is so incredibly valuable for you to get your mind cleared of unnecessary clutter.

This post covers the following subjects

  • Definition of Decluttering
  • Status Quo vs. Ideal Mindset
  • What we can control and what we cannot control
  • Making that decision
  • Stop being a people pleaser and dare to say no
  • Jot it down
  • FREE action guide for you for mental clarity

Make sure to claim your FREE ACTION GUIDE by the end of this post, which will provide 6 action steps to mental clarity!

Definition of “Decluttering”

Quoting the dictionary, decluttering is defined as “removing things you do not need from a place in order to make it more pleasant and more useful”. 

Now that’s a nice one, isn’t it? 😁

I think we all prefer to make our mind and thoughts more pleasant and useful. Because the result of this would be more focus, more clarity and especially more energy

Our brain generates thousands of thoughts per DAY. Even hearing this is exhausting. 

If you are, just like me, a rather sensitive person who tends to overthink, mental decluttering can actually become our new favorite thing. Because it makes life so much easier for us. 

Status Quo vs. Ideal mindset

So, your current mind might be similar to something like this:

  • overwhelmed
  • indecisive
  • stressed
  • sad or annoyed
  • lethargic 
  • not in control of our life and our goals

Your ideal state however might be slightly different, maybe something like this:

  • fully energetic the entire day
  • you know exactly what you want and why
  • calm and at peace
  • balanced
  • relaxed

Now, of course we cannot depict the ideal state every single minute of our day. Being completely stress-free is probably impossible but also not at all necessary. A little bit of stress is even healthy. With an emphasis on “a little bit”. Permanent stress however is unhealthy and should definitely be avoided. 

Let’s target a healthy balance, which we are absolutely capable of realizing if we stick to the following tips and tricks. 💪

#1 Control

There are certain things in life which we are in control over and there are things we just cannot control. 

Sometimes, this is really difficult to accept, as it means that we need to let some situations just be as is. 

Oftentimes these are situations, where it just seems impossible to let go. I hate to say it, but that’s life. 

And the first step to decluttering your mind is to learn to deal with it. 

For me personally, this is probably one of the most difficult challenges and I for sure have not yet mastered it fully. 

I’m on it, though and I know, I am much farther with this challenge than I was a few years ago thanks to the subsequent tips.

So, to summarize, learn to be aware of the fact that you only have a certain amount of control over your life. 

Most importantly, learn to be aware that this is actually something we should be absolutely grateful for, as it reduces overthinking and a decluttered mind for us if we know how to deal with it. 

If you cannot change anything about a situation, there is also no need to worry too much about it, as there is nothing you or your thoughts can do about it. If, however, there is something we can do about it, it’s time to make decisions. 

#2 – Make that decision

We are on our way to declutter our mind and by that freeing up space for these big dreams of ours! Whoohoo! 🥳

When our mind is decluttered because we tend to overthink every little detail in our life, we are NOT doing ourselves any favor. This often results in a thing called decision-fatigue. 😩

This tip right here is probably one of the most valuable pieces of advice I have ever incorporated into my life. 

There is probably nothing that slows down progress and success as much as decision-fatigue. 

If you fail to make certain decisions fast and with confidence, you might end up losing out on great things. 

So, I urge you to stop overthinking upcoming decisions in your life. Try to just go with what feels right for you. I know it’s easier said than done, but at the same time, it’s also not that hard, let’s be honest. 

Another valuable tip – do NOT go and ask friends, family and colleagues for advice. 

Nobody is capable of giving you the right answer. Only YOU can do that! ❣️

Because you know what’s right for you and what’s not. 

So trust in yourself, be confident and make a decision quickly

Once you decide upon something, stick with it and do NOT change your decision afterwards due to uncertainty. 

The first decision is most likely the right one 🙂

Last tip before we go on – this is probably one of the reasons why decision-fatigue is such a big thing, especially for empaths and sensitive people. 

We tend to think about the well-being of our loved ones more than we think about ourselves. 

While that is not a bad thing, it does however sometimes hinder us in going after what we really want just because we THINK this decision would be better for our family or friends. Even if it’s not better for us. Now be aware, that this is not the right way to go about your life. 

You need to do what feels right for you and not what you think other people are expecting of you. 

If these people you are being so loyal to really care about you, they would NEVER ever let you miss out on a great opportunity!! Always keep that in mind!!

How to declutter your mind

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#3 Stop being a people pleaser and dare to say no

This brings me to the next tip. Stop being a people pleaser and dare to say no to things you don’t want to do or have in your life! 

This is such an unnecessary clutter in our mind if we fill our calendars based on the needs and wants of other people. 

It takes away so much energy if we do not learn how to say no to certain people and things in life, as we constantly find ourselves in situations that we don’t want to be in. 

Saying Yes to dinners, parties and city trips just because we don’t want to “hurt” our friends by saying “No, I’m out, sorry” is cluttering our mind full with stuff that we could use sooo much better for the really important things in life. Our goals!

So, I challenge you to get outside your comfort zone, declutter your mind and DARE TO SAY NO to the next invitation you get where you actually don’t want to go. 

You could say something like: “Hey, thanks so much for the invitation, but I actually already have plans that weekend.”

When I started to take back my time and energy for myself, I was super honest to my friends. 💬

I told them that I was on a “me-time” break for the next couple of weeks, as I needed to sort some things out in my life. 

EVERYONE completely understood and nobody said anything negative about it or forced me to join anyways. 

So I encourage you to just be honest with your people. They will understand, trust me. 

And if they don’t, they are not your people. Then you might even let them go, as you will learn in the next step.

#4 Where energy goes, focus flows 

Such a classic quote, but oh so true. 🙏

To declutter your mind think as if you would declutter your dropbox. There are so many unused and old files in there that you just don’t need anymore. Having them on your laptop however slows down the speed of your laptop. 

It’s exactly the same with your mind. There are so many thoughts and feelings in there that are not useful to us and that do not get us anywhere near towards our goals. 

On the contrary, they slow us down, as we lack the energy to focus on the important stuff.

In this step, I would recommend to sit down calmly and find out what or who in your life are energy drainers. 

Is there a weekly activity you actually don’t even enjoy but you are still going every week? 

Or is there a person who keeps calling you to meet up however this person keeps talking about themselves for the entire duration of the date? 

All of these are energy drainers! If you want to reach certain goals in your life and if you have a vision of your dream life, make sure to eliminate negative energy from your life. 

This could also be happening in your social media. Are there people you follow who make you feel bad about yourself? Unfollow them! 

Are there group chats that don’t really bring any value to your life? Leave the group. 🚶‍♀️

You do not have to deal with negative people or negative surroundings. 

You are allowed to let it go and gain back the energy you need for your dreams to fulfill!

Focus on the positive people and things in your life, who want to see you succeed and make you feel better after you met them then you felt before. 

If you focus on the good, the good will come to you! 😉💕

#5 Jot it down 

Another powerful way to declutter your mind is to jot it all down. The thoughts, the feelings, the emotions, everything! ✍️

Even if you keep a mental to-do list in your head, jot it down!  📜

You can see it as a “brain-dump journal”, if you like. 

Writing it all down on a piece of paper will free up space in your head and it will make you feel relieved. 

You can do this on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. If you’re an overthinker, just like me, I would recommend actually doing it every day. 

You will feel so much better after doing this for a couple of days. 😌

There is not that much to explain about, just bring all your thoughts to your journal. You may ask yourself the following questions:

  • How am I feeling today?
  • Why am I feeling like that?
  • How was my day? 
  • What did I like about the day?
  • What could have been better?
  • What did I learn from today?
  • What do I want to remember from today? 

So, you see, it doesn’t have to be just all the negative things, but especially also the positive things that happened during the day! 

By bringing about the positive stuff as well, you are drifting your energy levels back on track to the vibrancy of success and motivation! Which in turn works wonders if we want to have more energy for our goals.

How you can benefit from jotting down your thoughts, you will learn in the final step. 

If you love a good journaling session, you might also be interested in this article all about self care ideas for the fall.

# My 6 steps to a cleansed mind and clear goals

My last and final step to a decluttered mind and with that a clear view on our goals is a 6-step action plan for mental clarity. 😊😍

It is a FREE resource, which I would love for you to check out and act upon!

Declutter your mind and receive an action plan on how to cleanse your mind with the help of 

  • Awareness
  • Focus
  • Precision
  • Prioritisation
  • Change
  • Action

Make sure to claim your FREEBIE right here and actually get into the doing side of things. 

Reading about these things is already great, but actually doing it will get you so much closer to your goals. Step-by-step.

Cleanse your mind and you will find there is no limit to what you and your mind can achieve when working together!

Now, I hope you enjoyed todays’ blog post and found it helpful for whatever challenges you might be facing currently.

As always, I am rooting for you and I know you will get great results if you keep doing what you’re doing! 🔥

Enjoy your Freebie and talk to you soon,


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