Hi there, my dear Sunday Lovers! 💫

Today, I want to talk about something near and dear to my heart – the importance of setting boundaries and practicing self-care as a sensitive person. 💕

Sunday Journals is all about simple living and self-care for sensitive souls. And I created it because I have been through this journey of self-doubts, deprioritizing myself and making life pretty complicated for myself without any need for it.

So, I know the struggle of saying YES to everyone but myself.

As the empath and sensitive soul we all are, life can be SO overwhelming. But don’t you worry – I got you covered.

Let’s dive into some cozy and loving tips to help you protect your precious energy.

Understanding Sensitivity

Before we start off, let’s take a second and embrace the beautiful gift of sensitivity.

Being sensitive means you’re in tune with your emotions, the feelings of others, and the world around you.

It’s a superpower, truly!🦸‍♀️

However, it also means you’re susceptible to emotional exhaustion and overwhelm, which is why setting boundaries and self-care are essential.

The Power of Boundaries

Imagine boundaries as your personal force field – they protect your energy and maintain your inner peace.

With the following 4 tips you can learn how to set boundaries that actually work for you.

#1 – Identify Your Triggers

The beautiful, but sometimes exhausting journey towards setting effective boundaries begins with your self-awareness. 🧘‍♀️

Take a moment to reflect on situations or people that tend to drain your energy. When do you feel most exhausted?

Is it the constant demands of a particular friend, the bustling chaos of crowded gatherings, or the weight of negative news and opinions?

Identifying your triggers is the first step in reclaiming your personal power. ⚡

#2 – Learn to Say NO

One of the most powerful and liberating words in any language is “no.”

It’s your shield against overcommitting and emotional exhaustion.

Super important, please ALWAYS keep this in mind:

Saying NO does NOT mean you’re unkind or selfish!! 

Saying NO is an act of self-love.💕

You have the right to decline invitations, favors, or requests that don’t resonate with you or align with your energy.

You also don’t have to explain yourself. As they say, “no is a sentence”. It sounds harsh, but it is so liberatingly (is that even a word?? lol) true.

Hey you, my lovely soul! 💫 Already signed up for our newsletter aka. the one and only ME-TIME community you need as a sensitive soul? No? Well, then I guess it’s time! Join our ALL-THINGS-SELF-CARE community and get some valuable content that is tailored for the sensitivity in you! 🌈

#3 – Communicate your needs

Your loved ones and especially your not-so-loved ones probably won’t always be aware of your sensitivities.

It is therefore essential to be honest about it and communicate it clearly, if needed. 💬

It is more than okay to voice your needs and that you need time alone to recharge.

True friends and understanding family members will respect your needs and offer their support.

#4 – Create Physical Boundaries

Not only in our inner world can we do plenty of helpful stuff to take care of ourselves.

Also from the “outside” can we take care of ourselves. A designated cozy corner in your home is the perfect sanctuary for you to retreat when everything is just too much.

hot chocolate smile GIF by Hallmark Channel

This is your sacred oasis, a place where you can find solace, meditate, read, or simply breathe.

It’s your personal sanctuary where you can recharge your spirit.

Adapting Boundaries and Self-Care Over Time

Your boundaries and self-care rituals should evolve with you.

As you grow and change, your sensitivities may shift as well.

Change is inevitable in this process and it’s vital to know how to adapt to these changes, so they won’t overwhelm you either.

Here’s how to adapt your self-care practices:

  • Regular Reflection: Frequently check in on your boundaries and self-care routines. Ask yourself what’s working and what might need little adjustments.
  • Adjust as Needed: Life is dynamic and your sensitivities may change. Be open to modifying your boundaries and self-care practices to match your current needs.
  • New Rituals: Don’t be afraid to explore new self-care practices or activities. You might discover new favorites that bring even more peace and joy to your life. It’s okay to change your mind, let one hobby go and start something new.

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Embrace your sensitivity

By implementing these practical steps, you’re not only setting boundaries but also embracing your sensitivity as a beautiful part of who you are.

You’re ensuring that you have the energy and emotional reserves to give and receive love, empathy, and compassion.

Be patient with yourself as you embark on this journey.💫

It’s all about progress, not perfection.

Celebrate your wins and embrace your setbacks as opportunities for growth.

I really hope these actionable insights help you navigate your sensitive nature with joy and calm.

You are not alone on this journey – I’m here as your supportive friend, cheering you on.🔥

Embrace your sensitivity, set those boundaries, and finally prioritize yourself.

Here’s to a harmonious, peaceful, and nurturing journey ahead. 🌷

Lots of self-care love,

Noni 💕

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