Hi there, my cozy friend! 💫 If you’ve found your way to Sunday Journals, it’s likely because you’re one of the amazing, highly sensitive souls out there. Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is a beautiful gift, but it can also come with its unique set of challenges. In this post, we’re going to explore how minimalist self-care can be a loving and nurturing path for you.

Todays‘ fast-paced world can be an overwhelming place for HSPs, with its constant hustle and bustle.

Trust me, I am still struggling with this even after years of self-care and self-growth.

The good thing is though – through the practice of minimalist self-care, you can always come back and create a tranquil haven for yourself—a sanctuary where you can embrace your sensitivity and find peace.

So, grab a cozy spot, make yourself a cup of your favorite calming tea, and let’s embark on this journey of self-care together.

Understanding Minimalist Self-Care for HSPs

Before we dive into the action steps, let’s take a moment to understand what minimalist self-care means for HSPs.

What is Minimalist Self-Care?

Minimalist self-care isn’t about eliminating self-care activities but simplifying them. It’s about choosing self-care practices that align with your sensitivity and prioritize what truly nurtures your soul.

Why Minimalist Self-Care for HSPs?

Highly sensitive individuals tend to be deeply affected by their surroundings and the energy of others. Minimalist self-care helps HSPs create a soothing and uncluttered environment, both physically and emotionally, which is crucial for their well-being.

Action Steps for Minimalist Self-Care for HSPs

Now, let’s get practical. Here are some action steps that you, as a highly sensitive person, can take to embrace minimalist self-care:

1. Create a Calm Space

This on is one of the simplest yet effective action steps you can take to embark on your self-care journey.

When the world is turning upside down and you feel like everything is just too much, it is essential for you to have a cozy corner in your home where you can retreat and calm down.

Find that corner and make it as cozy and welcoming as possible, so you can’t wait to get home and find peace in your cozy corner.

Declutter this space and keep only the essentials. Add soft cushions, cozy colors and any items you connect with joy, calm and peace (maybe a little book shelf and a tiny table for your tea).



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2. Set Boundaries

As a HSP, you might have experienced (plenty of) moments, where saying NO was not an option (at least, that’s what you thought).

Learning to say no and establishing boundaries is essential for the empaths among us. It’s an act of self-care and preserves your energy.

I challenge you to practice setting boundaries in your personal and professional surroundings.

This doesn’t mean you have to say NO to everything coming at you. But be a bit more mindful when it comes to your time and energy.

Also, be aware of the fact that you do not always have to respond right away.

You can easily say something like: „I’ll have to check my calendar and I will get back to you on that“ – to save yourself a bit of time and reflect, whether this is something you’d like to attend or not.

3. Mindful Practices

Mindful practices are a beautiful and highly effective strategy for HSP’s to help you stay grounded and present. It helps us keep our energy levels balanced and nurture our soul by giving us a peaceful mind.

You can do so by starting your day with a short mindfulness ritual, such as bullet journaling, meditating or practicing Yoga for a couple of minutes.

4. Simplify Your Schedule

Another big one for ya! 🤗 As a highly sensitive person, you might have found yourself overcommiting to social obligations and instantly feeling overwhelmed.

Overcommiting is a consequence of the lack of boundaries we set for ourselves, as described above. You see, it’s all connected.

Simplifying your schedule by prioritizing the things that are actually important to you will have a massive impact on your wellbeing.

It reduces stress and gives you back the time for your oh-so-needed self-care rituals. Learn to say NO to energy-drainers that just don’t bring any value to your life.

5. Digital Detox

One of the biggest time and energy drainers out there is the digital world. Certainly for me, a highly sensitive person, this one is my enemy.

Even WhatsApp is too much for me and gives me a little anxiety moment, as soon as my inbox is full with messages I haven’t replied to in days, weeks, sometimes even months.

I still have to say this to myself and I urge you to do it as well:

Limit your exposure to the digital world.

It is overstimulating and oftentimes has no real value (that is Instagram scrolling for hours, comparing yourself to others, doubting yourself, etc.).

I recommend setting specific times for checking e-mails and social media.

Outside those times, put your devices away, put them on „do-not-disturb“ and create a peaceful, tech-free zone without any distractions.

6. Nurture Your Sensory Self-Care

As a HSP you might have realized already that you have heightened sensory experiences – you basically feel everything around more than others.

Noises might be louder for you, you perceive situations more intensly than others and your body might react more heavily to circumstances.

Embrace sensory self-care practices that calm and comfort you.

One of my absolute favorites is aromatherapy. Check out this post if you’d like to learn more about my favourite essential oils and how they can help.

You could also turn on soothing sounds, just like bird chirping or waterfall sounds. Paired with a cozy footbath and your self-care practice is 💯!

Essential Oils

7. Simplify Your Self-Care Routine

Now, as a HSP, we don’t want to overdo it with…well with anything really. 😄

Minimalist self-care is about quality, not quantity. I’d therefore invite you to keep your self-care routine simple but meaningful.

Identify a few self-care practices that truly nourish your soul and stick to them. No need to do it all.💫

Your Journey to Minimalist Self-Care

Remember, my fellow HSP, your sensitivity is a unique and precious gift. Embrace minimalist self-care as a way to honor and protect your energy, create serenity in your life, and cultivate self-compassion.

As you embark on this journey, take it one step at a time. There’s no rush, and no need for perfection. You are enough just as you are, and your path to self-care is a deeply personal one.

So, sip your tea, take a deep breath, and appreciate the beautiful sensitivity that makes you, you. Your minimalist self-care journey is a loving act of self-compassion, and you’re worth every bit of it. 💕

Can’t wait to talk to you soon,

I am rooting for ya!! 🔥
Lots of Love,

Noni 💕

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