3 questions to ask yourself when feeling tired ALL day!

Hi there, my dear Sunday Lovers. 👋❣️

I am so happy to have you back here, where you’re invited to give yourself permission to stroll around and get some inspiration on how to best live that calm life whilst chasing your wildest dreams.

Todays’ topic is a big one for me as it happened to be one of my major struggles for quite a long time.

Before I got clear on what it is I want to do with my life, something hindered me in getting anywhere close to where I thought I wanted to be.

And this obstacle was a lack of energy in everything I did.

I was tired every single day, I couldn’t motivate myself to get up early and I had no energy to go that extra mile – not at work, not at home and not in my relationships. 🥱

I hated it and, in all honesty, it felt impossible for me to find the energy I craved to go after these big dreams of mine.

All I wanted was to wake up early feeling refreshed and motivated for the day ahead and have enough energy to get through all the challenges that might come up during the day.

It took a while, but luckily, after practicing hours and hours of self-care, reading plenty of books that might help me, I finally got that hang of it and I now have as much energy as never before in my life.

This post is for you, if you wish you had more energy and motivation but don’t really know where to start and how to get there.

So, let’s get started! Get your notebook and a pen ready and make sure to make some valuable notes! 🖊️📓


Question #1 – What is your WHY?


The classic but oh so important question you MUST ask yourself if you wish to get closer to where you want to be in life.

WHY are you doing what you’re doing every day? What is it that makes you get up in the morning and get started?

This is a huge question and it’s not one to answer within a couple of hours.

And I’m not suggesting you find the answer to this right now or any time soon.

I do suggest however to think about this question regularly.

If you learn to ask yourself again and again WHY you’re doing what you’re doing, you will train your brain to actually try and find the answer to this big question. 🧠

If you have difficulty finding an answer to this question, you might in turn have already gained an answer to the question as to why you are always tired and lack energy.

We all got dreams. And we ALL are absolutely capable of reaching these dreams if we only start believing that we can.

If, however, your mind is cluttered with insecurities and ambiguity about your future, there is no space for positive and healthy thoughts guiding your way to your goals with high energy.

It is therefore vital for you to get clear on this question and start working towards an answer to it for your mind to be able to create supporting thoughts which in turn will give you back your energy.

It’s time to allow yourself to dream big! By getting clear on what our purpose is, we automatically get back into a flow state where a lack of motivation pretty much doesn’t exist (most of the times, that is).


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Write down this question on a post-it note or your journal where you can see it everyday.


Question # 2 – What happens if you don’t give up?


If you spent some time on the WHY question, clarity around your life purpose is about to get precise and feasible.

Step by step, you get clearer on how to get from where you are now to where you actually want to be.

Now, even if that gets clearer by the day, you might still be facing a lack of energy and motivation along the way.

This is because ambiguity can drain your energy levels to the max. Uncertainty is exhausting and we humans tend to prefer to know exactly what is going on. We love our comfort zone and anything that might get us out of there is considered bad news.

This is where question #2 comes in super handy. Ask yourself: What happens if you don’t give up?

I actually love this question because it inspires me to think about my future.

Imagine – if only you bring up the energy to be consistent in your approaches – what would be possible?

How much faster would you be able to reach your goals? How would you feel to finally reach this big goal of yours because you showed up every single day and did not give up?

Let your mind play around with these thoughts for a bit if you find yourself unmotivated and lethargic. Which btw is totally normal and will eventually happen every now and then.

Don’t worry when it happens and ask yourself this question – get into dream mode and get back on track!


Question #3 – Which small steps can you take consistently even when you don’t feel like it?


Consistency is key.

This is so true in every area of our lives.

It is aligned with question #2 as it also has to do with the concept of not giving up.

Not giving up and a lack of energy is a tough match though.

Because usually a lack of energy will get you to give up on something and vice versa.

Let’s say one of your goals is to run a marathon. To reach that goal, you will have to go for reams of runs and working on your stamina.

If, however, you find yourself in a state of zero energy and motivation, chances are you won’t go for that run and give up.

Not going for that run will leave you feeling guilty about yourself, and you start to make yourself small, which, in turn, drains your energy levels as your thoughts are negatively impacted.

A negative loop which is difficult to get out of if the mind is not properly trained.

If you find yourself in this situation, I want you to think about small and simple steps you can still take consistently.

You’re not ready for the planned 10k run today? That’s okay! But can you motivate yourself to do a 5k? Or a simple walk for 30 minutes?

5k is still better than nothing. And staying consistent in your routines will get you these loud results we are longing for.

So, get clear on which simple steps you can do on the days you just don’t feel like doing anything.

Little by little, you WILL get there.


Bonus: Inspiration for whenever you lack energy


You now have three questions to journal about whenever you find it difficult to get going.

Trust me when I say that lacking energy and “not feeling it” is absolutely normal in this process of finding our way to an abundant and happy life.

The key to not let this hinder us in reaching our goals is training our mind to work in our favor.

By asking yourself these questions, your mind will already be forced to think towards solutions and ways to get to where we want to be.

Before we finish this up, I would like to give you a few inspirational tips. They might come in handy whenever tiredness and a lack of energy are in the way to your highest self and you just can’t get yourself to act.


Tip #1 – Mel Robbins’ 5 second rule


To keep it short and precise. Whenever you find yourself struggling to get going, count down from 5 to 1.

Once you reached 1, just get up and do what you must do. Don’t overthink it, just do it.


If you’d like to learn more about the 5 second rule, check out Mel Robbins’ book “The 5 second rule“.


Tip #2 – Listen to Earl Nightingale’s “The strangest secret”


If you’re like me and you love a good motivational speech, check out “The strangest secret” by Earl Nightingale.

It is super inspiring, and it really motivates you to keep going.

The audio explains very well the reasons as to why some people make it in this world and some don’t.

With all that, it definitely makes you want to make more out of life, which is great to listen to whenever you’re not feeling it!



I really hope these tips are valuable for you and you can use them as needed to get into action!

I’ve been exactly there, lacking energy in every single situation on a daily basis, feeling frustrated because I couldn’t get myself to DO what my thoughts wanted me to do.

At one point I actually thought that I might just not be made for more than what I had. Maybe it was reserved for other people out there to be successful and live that abundant life.

But that ain’t true, friends! 🤗

It IS possible for every single one of us. We just need to keep going.

Always keep these questions above in mind and learn to be disciplined enough to move forward even in your lowest times.

It will be SO worth it! 💫

I can’t wait to talk to you soon!

Lots of love,

Noni 💕


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