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Well, hi there friends! It’s time for a productive chat again, isn’t it? 🤗

I gotta say, I LOVE todays’ topic to the max. Because it simplifies my life so much that I might actually be a tiny bit obsessed with this topic.

Today, we’ll talk about how to get things done – the calm way! A productivity topic at its finest!

Now, we all know about the way how to get things done – the loud and stressed kind of way.

We have hundreds of things on our mental to-do list and we hustle from one to the next without any kind of plan or strategy behind it. 

The result is most likely a feeling of stress, overwhelm and maybe even anxiety

But what if I told you there are a few simple tricks you can incorporate to get things done AND be calm and at peace along the way? 

Well lovers, say no more – I got you! 😏

The beautiful thing is – it is actually quite simple and doable for every single one of you.

All we need is consistency, a little bit of discipline and confidence about the fact that you are capable of pretty much anything you set your mind to. 

The result of this? Success, a rewarding feeling of accomplishment and most importantly – a calm mind. 

And a calm mind? Will give you big results! It’s all connected. 

So let’s get into it. 

Where do we start? 

#1 Get your evenings right

One of the secrets on how to finally get things done actually lies in your evening routine. 🌙

You want to get clear on your to-do list the night before, as it gives you a clear mind and a head start into your day. 

Write down 3-5 things you want to get done the next day before you go to bed.

Make sure your list is SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely) as this will make it way easier for you to accomplish your set goals. ✅

If you would like to know how to set up your perfect morning routine (which, as you know by now, starts with your evening routine) check out this post!

#2 Learn to prioritize

As you are on your way to get more productive by the day and finally get into the habit of being on track, you want to learn how to prioritize certain tasks. 

It is helpful to be aware of which tasks are more important than others and which tasks take more time than others. ⏰

As soon as you are clear on important vs not so important tasks and their time commitment, it will be much easier for you to plan your day ahead. 

If you have an important task at hand which also takes a bit longer, it might make sense for you to schedule this task in a certain way (more on that later).

If you want to learn more about why prioritizing plays a vital part for a calm mind, I highly recommend checking out my FREE action plan on how to get a clear mind when feeling overwhelmed. 

#3 Know your personal prime time

If you would like to up your game in the productivity side of things, it is essential that you get to know yourself a bit better. 

When is your prime aka. flow time? Are you a morning person or a night owl? 🌅vs. 🌇

When can you tackle the more advanced, more complicated tasks vs. when are you semi focussed and better off doing the easier things? 

Get clear on these questions and act accordingly for best results! 🙂

#4 Schedule wisely 

Knowing all of these things above is great but useless, if you do not schedule it. 📆

What’s that saying? If it’s not scheduled, it won’t happen. AMEN! 🙏

I highly recommend making it a habit to schedule your to-do’s. 

This is for two reasons. 

One – you automatically structure your day and think ahead as to which tasks are on the list for the day. 

Two – scheduling your to-do’s will commit you to stick to your plans

It reminds you again and again, what you still have to do. 

It also provides a time frame for each task, which is vital if you want to learn how to get things done. 

Which brings me to the next piece of advice. 

#5 Put a cap on the time you give yourself on a task

When scheduling your tasks, you automatically define a certain amount of time you give yourself for a task. 

This is great, as long as you actually stick to this time frame. 🕐

In order to stay productive, I urge you to put a cap on the duration of a task

Estimate a certain amount of time you think you need for that specific task and then stick to it. If you can’t make it in the allotted time frame, don’t worry about it and continue with your set schedule. 

Don’t try to be perfect. Nobody is and nobody needs to be. Be fine with a B- work

As long as you keep moving, things around you will start moving as well, which in turn will bring the desired results. 

#6 Just start

One of the most important things I ever learned and had the biggest impact on my life.

Put it on repeat: Just. Start. 

Don’t overthink it. Don’t procrastinate. Don’t think you’re not ready yet. You are! So do it.

Just get it done. Whatever it is. 

Believe me when I say that this is the single most important take-away from this post. 

If there is only ONE thing I want you to remember from this post, it is this part of JUST GETTING STARTED. 💪

There is nothing in this world that will get you closer to your dreams than if you follow this advice with EVERYTHING you do on a daily basis.

With the small and the big things. 

Productivity Planner

Last but not least, I highly recommend using some kind of planner for your tasks, which will make it easier for you to stick to your to-do list and goals. 

There are plenty of great resources out there, from online resources to haptic notebooks. 

While everyone prefers different ways of planners, there is one resource that I personally absolutely adore and use for my own scheduling and goal-setting. 

It is called the Productivity Planner by Intelligent Change. 📓

It is a three month notebook with plenty of valuable information in it, motivational quotes and space to write down your thoughts and lists. 

Have a look at it to see if this might be the perfect resource for you as well.

This is NO affiliate link, but just a personal recommendation from my side 🙂

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