This post ist all about 5 genious household remedies for your very own DIY facemask!

Creating a face mask by yourself is actually quite simple, if we take advantage of our wonderful natural home remedies. Not only do we do our skin a big favor, our wallet is also happy. In every respect, a clear win-win situation! In the following, you will learn about the most important and useful home remedies, which you can use for various face masks.

Get ready for an exciting journey into the variety of natural home remedies, which you can use for various face masks. Blending a face mask yourself will be more fun than ever after this article, because you will learn what incredible effect is in each of the products.

At the end of the article, I’ll share two super valuable recipes for your perfect face mask.

1. raw organic honey

Raw organic honey is an all-rounder when it comes to natural skin care.

Hardly any home remedy can be used as versatile and universal as raw honey.

All the better that it is an integral part of most households.

Due to its antibacterial and antiseptic effect, honey can help with all kinds of skin problems.

For example, you can use raw honey as a basis for cleansing face masks for acne or smoothing face masks for small wrinkles.

Its viscosity makes it perfect as a base for any skin mask.

Of course, you only want the best for your skin.

Therefore, it is even more important to make sure that the product is of good quality.

It’s best to buy your raw organic honey at the health food store around the corner or directly from the beekeeper.

It may cost a few euros more, but the honey will last a long time and you can be sure that your skin will thank you with a radiant complexion.

2. clear water

Water – our lifeblood.

Almost too obvious, yet indispensable for our top 5 best home remedies for a face mask.

As a reader of this post, I assume that your love and value your skin as much as I do. I’m sure you already know how incredibly valuable clear water is to our bodies, both internally and externally.

A small amount of water in your face mask is therefore perfect for adjusting the consistency of the mask as desired.

For a radiant and fresh complexion, water naturally plays a major role, especially when used internally.

3. Clay

Bentonite clay is another valuable remedy that can already be found in many households.

Especially because it can achieve incredible results both internally and externally applied.

While internally it is used for example for detoxification and purification, externally it can be supportive for any skin types.

It is so valuable because it is a real pollutant magnet.

It binds toxins and removes them from the body or skin.

Clay balances the oil production of the skin, cleans clogged pores and removes dead skin particles.

There are different types of clay, which have different areas of application.

For example, pink clay is suitable for normal to dry skin and improves the complexion.

White clay is very mild and supports the nourishment of the skin.

Green clay is known to absorb fats and toxins from the skin particularly carefully and is therefore especially advisable for oily skin.

Yellow kaolin clay can also be used for sensitive and dry skin.

How you can best use bentonite clay, you can find in the recipe at the end of the article.

4. Fatty oils and essential oils

fatty oils

To make a face mask yourself, a variety of fatty oils are just perfect as an added ingredient.

In addition to grape seed oil, almond oil and olive oil, coconut oil, wild rose oil or black cumin oil are great for your skin care.

Oils enrich your skin in many ways – they moisturize and strengthen the cell membrane.

Valuable nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamins and minerals make oils so incredibly valuable for one of our largest organs, the skin.

essential oils

Many essential oils, when diluted (!!), can have a very positive effect on your skin’s appearance due to their clarifying, rejuvenating and tightening properties.

The small but important word here is “diluted”.

Please never use the pure essential oil undiluted on your skin – this can end bad, as it is highly concentrated and burns like hell on the skin (been there, done that…ROOKIE mistake!!).

There really is a great selection of terrific essential oils out there that you can mix into your face mask.

Grapefruit, cypress, tea tree oil, mandarin, lemon and neroli are just a fraction of them.

Essential oils mix perfectly with fatty oils, making them great as a clarifying oil blend for face and body.

It is enough for oil mixture or face mask 2-4 drops, depending on how many other ingredients you add to your mask or how much fatty oil you mix with the essential oil.

5. herbs

The wonderful thing about our home remedies is the diversity of their use.

Thus, without exception, all five home remedies are suitable for both internal and external use.

For me personally, herbs always manage to fully inspire me anew.

They are filled with a so much power, which nature so freely provides us with.

Almost all of the herbs native to this region have a healing effect in some way and can support us in our everyday minor or major ailments.

Whether we enjoy them as tea, in a salad, fresh in a green smoothie, or externally in our skin routine, rest assured that our bodies will prove grateful.

In your face mask, you can use the herbs as a brewed and cooled tea.

Chamomile flowers, thyme, green tea or marigold are particularly suitable.

Here, however, you can do further research as you wish to find out which herbs are most suitable for your skin needs.

You can find out exactly how to incorporate herbs into your face mask in the recipes.


You have now learned five incredibly valuable home remedies that you should always have at home. In a matter of seconds, you can whip up a variety of skin care masks and oil blends and incorporate them into your daily or weekly skin care routines. Natural home remedies like these can at least supplement, if not replace, your conventional skincare products.

After delving deeper into natural skincare, I finally realized what I was actually doing to my skin when I bought cheap products from the supermarket. Since I adjusted my skin routine to solely natural products, my skin has finally calmed down and recovered. Pimples and too dry or oily skin are luckily not bothering me anymore.

Why don’t you try out a recipe right now! Below, I’ll introduce you to two more wonderful face masks that you can easily make yourself. Make face masks yourself? Nothing easier than that!

DIY face mask – 2 recipes just for you

Recipe #1 – cleansing face mask

DIY Face Mask


  • 1 tablespoon of Water
  • 1 tsp. of raw organic honey
  • 1-1,5 Tsp. clay

This cleansing face mask is made in no time and is especially suitable for impure and oily skin. Take a small bowl and a spoon and mix the water and honey together. Then add the clay and stir until you get a pulpy paste. Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. After that you can wash it off with clean water. Be careful not to touch your eye area with the mask. You can use this mask once or twice a week, depending on your needs.

Recipe #2 – calming face mask


  • 1 cucumber, size of a thumb, peeled and pitted
  • 1 tsp. Gree Tea, cooled down
  • 1 tsp. Chamomile Tea, cooled down
  • 1 tablespoon Aloe-Vera-Gel
  • 1 tablespoon arrowroot (gluten-free flour)
Household remedies for DIY Facemasks

This mask is perfect when your skin needs a little time out. You can get the ingredients for this at any organic store. Simply blend the crushed cucumber with the cooled green tea and chamomile tea using either a blender or mortar. Then add the aloe vera gel and maranta starch. The mixture should then thicken. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before applying it to your face and décolleté. Allow yourself and your skin to rest for 20 minutes and then wash the mask off with clean water.


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